Street Naranjos 272, Urb. Sta. Isabel, Piura, Perú
(+51-073) 310166 / 310438

Grupo Limones Piuranos

Is the Peruvian Company dedicated to the crop, production, commercialization and export of Fresh Limes (variety Key and Persian), Distilled and Cold pressed lime oil, Dried peel lime and Concentrated Lime Juices. .

Social Responsability

we are committed to Social Responsability, with the objective of improve the life quality of the people living in the area of our influence

Own planted hectares

We have 1,200 own planted hectares of Lime in the variety Key lime and Tahiti lime, one modern production plant of lime oils, juices, dried peel and fresh fruit

Our Certifiers

Our agronomic processes applied to our fields are continuously followed up by international standards from our Certifiers

Our Products

With the Internet spreading linke wildfire and reaching every part of our daily life, more and more traffic is directed to websites in search for information.

Fresh Lime
Distilled Lime Oil
Cloudy Lemon Juice Concentrate


Grupo Limones Piuranos has the following international certificates:

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